Friday, 19 December 2014

Go Away Cicak!

 What is it like living on-campus accommodation and surrounded by Msia's rainforest? Oh, I can tell you how it is. Cicak (gecko), cockroaches, birds (my alarm clock) and even bats be living with you. From diploma years till now, I am still dealing with them. I'm alright with cockroaches but not cicak(s)! I loathe them.You know it's like they know you're scared of them so they'll be around more often. Sigh. I have had so many memories with them. They always seem to pop out in my life when I least expect it. Always giving me a heart attack. 

Once upon a time in Machang, a cicak was in my cup. Yeap, my cup guys. It decided to greet me early morning (when I'm half awake). Just when I wanted to get my breakfast done, I was about to grab my cup and I saw it staring at me. It wasn't even running away from me. As if it was his cup! Pfft. I was too scared to do anything so I woke my girls up.

'Babies, there's a cicak in my cup'
'What? Feezaaaa Halid' (not my fault cicak loves to kacau me)

All of us just stared at it, even moved the cup and yet it didn't move. We gave up and went to class. I was distracted in class tho, couldn't get it out of my mind. After class, I tried spraying Shieldtox. Failed. Even sprinkled hot water. Failed. At last, B just took the cup and threw the cicak out of the window. As simple as that, it was gone.  

My story with it doesn't end here guys. 

Now, this happened in Al's room (Notts). So it was that one particular night I decided not to hang at her room. As I was about to sleep, Al rang me.

'Babe, there's a cicak in my closet!'
'Closet, seriously?!'

Rushed to her room and we both just stared at the closet with hangers. Preparing ourselves for war! Well, obviously we didn't have the balls to shoo it out so Al had to call her floor-mate to do it. It managed to get out of the closet by itself. How? By flying/jumping out! Got the shock of our lives, shouted like mad. And yet it was still in the freaking room. Altho it was a baby cicak but oh god it was fast as a Puma. One moment it was at the corner, suddenly it's at the edge of the room.We moved the furnitures, everything was everywhere. At the end, the hall tutor helped us out. Finally! After the shouting and chaos, our cicakman saved us. 

Why you do this to me, cicak?
Look, even when I'm away from campus you're in our group chat. If you're not physically around, you'll somehow be mentally present!

Pity Nards had to deal with you all alone. Go away! 

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